Live Cell Incubating System
Live cell imaging is the process of observing living cells in real time. During live cell imaging, it is important to provide a stabilized circumstance that cells can be maintained alive and healthy on the microscope.
Our Live Cell Incubating systems aim to establish physiological conditions for long-term cell growth by precisely optimized temperature, humidity, and pH that leads you to acquire reliable results.
Find out the system that suits your experiment below.

Stage-top Incubator System T
Incubator system to maintain all essential requirements in cultivation & observation of living cells on microscope.

Stage-top Incubator System TC
Incubator System creates a stable cell environment by maintaining proper temperature, humidity, and pH over the long term.

Cage Incubator System HX
Acrylic cage incubator provides the precise and synchronized temperature control of microscope and various peripherals.

Controller & Mixer
Control system for incubator to manage environmental conditions.
Temperature Controller
Gas Mixer